In case you haven't heard, Staples just released a major blow to my favorite time of year- Back to School Shopping. Last year, I dedicated a few posts to how much I loved Staples for their amazing Extreme Deals- items for 10 cents, 25 cents, even a penny.The best part was that Staples would give higher limits of these deals for teachers- 25 instead of the 2-item limit for the general public.
However, this year, Staples eliminated this bonus for teachers and we will just have the normal limit on Extreme Deals. They are offering 100% back in Staples Rewards, but how helpful is that in Back to School time? Booo, Staples.
I will still include Staples in my Weekly Ad Roundups, but I won't shop there anymore. Frankly, this is a prime opportunity for other retailers to offer teachers major deals, since many teachers are upset with Staples. I guess we'll see!
At least we still have some faithful companies. I appreciate Office Depot by giving me the opportunity to get more, just keep asking the people in the aisle with you. Staples has the first few great deals, but now I'm moving on :) You should see this weeks deals! 1c folders w or wo prongs 30count at Office Depot! Worth it...imo