Sunday, July 24, 2011

Last Year's Paper- UPDATE

Shout out to Laura G for this great tip:

Visit your local Office Depot and ask for last year's paper. Every year, Office Depot changes the packaging for filler paper. The current price for "this year's paper" is around $1.50-3 per pack. If you ask for last year's paper, you can get 20 packs for one cent each! You may have to ask the manager because it will probably be hidden in the back.

Hope this works for you! Happy shopping!

Thanks to Heidi for catching my error- the paper deal is actually at Office Depot, and may not work at every store. Good luck! - J

1 comment:

  1. I tried the Office Max near buckhead but no luck! She said they use the same packaging for 3-4 years at a time. Maybe it's Office Depot?? Thanks for all the tips!!
