Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekly Ad Roundup 7/22-7/28

Office Max:
  • 10 free folders w/ minimum $5 purchase
  • 5c protractor or compass
  • 25c Schoolio markers
  • 25c 5-pk pink erasers
  • 50c composition books
  • $1 poly folders
  • $1 poly notebooks
  • $2 dry erase boards
  • 2 for $5 Dixon Ticonderoga pencils
  • Buy 2 Get 1 Free Sharpie & Expo PLUS $5-off Coupon
  • Buy 2 Get 1 Free Crayola
  • 20c 2pk pink eraser & sharpener
  • 49c vinyl pencil pouch or box
  • 99c Deals:
    • Bic 5pk pencils
    • Elmers 6pk glue sticks
    • Mead notebooks
    • Crayola 12pk colored pencils
  •  $1 Pencils, drawing pad, construction paper
More to come soon!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Weekly Ad Roundup

So sorry for the delay in this week's Roundup. It's been quite a hectic week!

Office Max (July 15th-21st)
  • FREE- 2 of each: Crayons, glue & sharpener after $5 purchase
  • 10c 10pk blue or black pens *Limit 3
  • 10c 10pk Dixon pencils *Limit 3 @ 10c each, 70c each after
  • 50c 4pk glue sticks 
  • 50c filler paper
  • 50c binder pockets
  • $1 paper towels, spiral notebooks, scissors & 4pk erasers
  • $2 Post it Notes cube, mini stapler, 1-hole punch, 3-subject spirals & mechanical pencils
  • $3 5pk Sharpie & 4pk Expo
  • Teacher Appreciation 7/21 & 7/22 (Free stuff & 25% off)
 Office Depot
  • 10c pencil sharpeners, 2-pocket folders
  • 50c 24-pk Crayola, Rollerball pens & flexible rulers
  • BOGO highlighers & wood pencils
  • $2 Command hooks
  • $2 8oz Purell sanitizer
  • 20% OFF for teachers 7/15-7/28
Target is focusing on college & dorm deals, but you may be able to find some steals for classroom lamps, rugs, etc! They also have great deals on everyday stuff, most under $1.

  • 15c folder w/ or w/o prongs
  • 17c spiral notebooks
  • 50c composition books
  • 92c economy binder
  • 97c 12pk Crayola colored pencils & 10pk classic markers
  • $1.12 24pk Dixon pencils
  • $2.50 4pk Expo Black markers

Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's Back: 2012 Weekly Ad Roundup #1

Week of July 8th-July 14th:

Office Max:
  • Up to 10 FREE folders with a $5 minimum purchase
  • 25c Glue Sticks
  • 50c Composition Books
  • $1 durable binders
  • $1 spiral notebooks
  • $1 assorted dry erase markers
  • $1 gallon resealable bags
  • $2 filler paper
  • $2 hole punch
  • $2 mini stapler
  • $2 dry erase board
  • $2 clip tub (250 pieces)
  • BOGO 50% off Crayola
  • BOGO 50% off White Out 
  • BOGO 50% off Post It & Scotch products
  • Buy 2 Get 1 Free Expo & Sharpie
Don't forget to check Target's $1 section for treasure box prizes, stickers, and more!
  • 50c poly folders
  • 75c notebooks
  • 99c Crayola products (10-ct markers or 12-ct colored pencils)
  • $1 2-count Sharpie
  • 2 for $3- Fiskar scissors
Wal Mart also has a ton of deals right now, but they vary from store to store. Many deals run 88 cents or less!

Office Max Teacher Appreciation PLUS 25% OFF!

On Saturday, July 20th and Sunday, July 21st, Office Max stores will hold their annual Teacher Appreciation Event. Last year, they offered great deals for teachers, plus a gift bag with a planner including a year's worth of coupons. This year, they're going to get even better!

While you're there, be sure to open a Office Max for Teachers reward card. These rewards actually work, unlike some places. In the last year, I've used 4 $10 rewards coupons! They also offer an extra 25% OFF any purchase for teachers!

Check out their Teacher's Corner website here.

Staples, Why?!

In case you haven't heard, Staples just released a major blow to my favorite time of year- Back to School Shopping. Last year, I dedicated a few posts to how much I loved Staples for their amazing Extreme Deals- items for 10 cents, 25 cents, even a penny.The best part was that Staples would give higher limits of these deals for teachers- 25 instead of the 2-item limit for the general public.

However, this year, Staples eliminated this bonus for teachers and we will just have the normal limit on Extreme Deals. They are offering 100% back in Staples Rewards, but how helpful is that in Back to School time? Booo, Staples.

I will still include Staples in my Weekly Ad Roundups, but I won't shop there anymore. Frankly, this is a prime opportunity for other retailers to offer teachers major deals, since many teachers are upset with Staples. I guess we'll see!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekly Ad Roundup #2

Friends, Office Depot takes the prize this week for the best deals overall. They have some awesome finds.

Starting this week, I'll only post the cheapest price for each item. Example: if Target has pencils for $1, but Office Max has them for 50 cents, I'll only post the Office Max deal. Hopefully this will make this list a little more manageable!

Office Max:
  • 1 cent: 24-pack crayons, 12-inch ruler
  • 10 cents: 10-pack pencils
  • 50 cents: composition books, 2-pack glue sticks
  • $1.50: standard binders
  • $2: View binders
  • Buy 2, Get 1: Binders, folders, notebooks, Crayola products, copy paper
  • Buy 2, Get 2: Expo products, Bic products
Office Depot:
  • 5 cents: Folders, protractors, pencil pouches
  • $1: Sanitizer, glue, storage bins, pens, pencil boxes
  • $2: Single hole punch, name labels, dividers, hand soap
  • $3: 2-pack tape, 5-Star notebooks, milk crates, tabs, clipboards, 3-pack Sharpies
  • $4: Organizers, staplers, 3-hole punch, pocket planner, 12-pack dry erase
  • 20% off for all Office Depot Star Teacher members (Free sign-up at the store, starting August 7th)
  • 97 cents: Big erasers, eraser caps
  • $1.97: Construction paper pack

Target's deals were not comparable to the other stores this week. They are really focusing on school clothes, so the deals on supplies are not so stellar. They do have $20 dresses, which is really testing my will power this week!

See this post for Staples' deals.

Happy Shopping, and good luck to my friends starting school this week!


Coming Soon... Weekly Ad Roundup!

Hey friends,

Just got internet working in my new apartment. I will upload the Weekly Ad Roundup first thing tomorrow.

Please continue to send me any ideas or updates you may find.

Happy Shopping!