Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekly Ad Roundup #2

Friends, Office Depot takes the prize this week for the best deals overall. They have some awesome finds.

Starting this week, I'll only post the cheapest price for each item. Example: if Target has pencils for $1, but Office Max has them for 50 cents, I'll only post the Office Max deal. Hopefully this will make this list a little more manageable!

Office Max:
  • 1 cent: 24-pack crayons, 12-inch ruler
  • 10 cents: 10-pack pencils
  • 50 cents: composition books, 2-pack glue sticks
  • $1.50: standard binders
  • $2: View binders
  • Buy 2, Get 1: Binders, folders, notebooks, Crayola products, copy paper
  • Buy 2, Get 2: Expo products, Bic products
Office Depot:
  • 5 cents: Folders, protractors, pencil pouches
  • $1: Sanitizer, glue, storage bins, pens, pencil boxes
  • $2: Single hole punch, name labels, dividers, hand soap
  • $3: 2-pack tape, 5-Star notebooks, milk crates, tabs, clipboards, 3-pack Sharpies
  • $4: Organizers, staplers, 3-hole punch, pocket planner, 12-pack dry erase
  • 20% off for all Office Depot Star Teacher members (Free sign-up at the store, starting August 7th)
  • 97 cents: Big erasers, eraser caps
  • $1.97: Construction paper pack

Target's deals were not comparable to the other stores this week. They are really focusing on school clothes, so the deals on supplies are not so stellar. They do have $20 dresses, which is really testing my will power this week!

See this post for Staples' deals.

Happy Shopping, and good luck to my friends starting school this week!


Coming Soon... Weekly Ad Roundup!

Hey friends,

Just got internet working in my new apartment. I will upload the Weekly Ad Roundup first thing tomorrow.

Please continue to send me any ideas or updates you may find.

Happy Shopping!